Where & When

Hampton Inn
9128 Executive Park Dr.
Knoxville , TN 37923

Starts On:

Saturday, April 5th, 2025
9:00am - 5:30pm

Our Mission

Our goal is to help our fellow citizens understand how the political process works in America.

When you understand how the political process works, you can make it work to advance the issues and causes that will restore America to its constitutional roots.

We want our students to understand just how much power they really have. You no longer have to be a prisoner of politicians and their schemes. You can finally burn your victim card.

Maintaining our freedom is not a one-time event. Our liberty will not be restored by one person being elected to the White House. Change is a process. Someone will be in charge, and politicians will be concerned about their next election.

We don't want to equip you to be an effective pawn or volunteer for a candidate or political party. We want to help you create a political environment that will reduce government interference in our lives, resulting in lower taxes and more freedom.

We hope you will join us in advancing the cause of conservative leadership.

Knoxville TN
Campaign Management School

– How to elect a champion for liberty

STARTS ON Saturday, April 5th, 2025 - 9:00 AM

Are you respected by politicians?

Unless you are politically feared, you will not be politically respected.

You need an inside leader in the legislature to introduce your bills and most importantly, force roll call votes. Introducing bills and forcing recorded votes is the only thing you as an activist can’t do yourself.

That’s why you need an inside leader – someone tough as nails and 110% committed to your issue.

This school will teach you the fundamentals needed to win elections for liberty.

If you are ready to DO something to take back power from the politicians and elites for “We The People,” you NEED to attend this class on Saturday, April 5th, 2025 in Knoxville , TN.

This intense one-day training covers:

  • The REAL Nature of Politics.
  • The core of every campaign including the Lincoln 4 Step; Building your campaign plans; an introduction to timeline budgeting.
  • Advanced campaign communications including using the Leesburg grid, framing issues, and targeting your communications.
  • Basic fundraising calling, mail, email and events.
  • How to set up (and tear down) your campaign.

Who’s should attend this Campaign Management School?

  • First time candidates (for any office)
  • Elected officials who want to run better campaigns
  • Volunteers, staff, and those who want to influence the public policy process.

In other words…YOU!

All of our instructors have years of experience putting these principles to work in multiple states.

Many have worked on federal, state and local campaigns, including major presidential campaigns, and successful campaigns for U.S. Senate and Congress. They know what works, and also what has been proven not to work in getting politicians to vote right.

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into effective action to advance liberty.

If you’re ready to learn how to be effective AND feared by politicians, if you’re ready to elected your own champion to the legislature, click here to register for this class on Saturday, April 5th, 2025 in Knoxville , TN. We’ll even throw in lunch.


Hampton Inn


Saturday, April 5th, 2025

8:30 AM to 9:00 AM
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Refund Policy

Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership registration fees are fully refundable provided a refund request is made in writing at least 72 hours prior to the start of the class.

Because venues and caterers require Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership to guarantee the number attending, three days before a school, no refunds will be given for requests made less than 72 hours before a school.

Refund requests must be emailed to ddh@facltraining.org and must include the registrant's name and the school they are registered to attend.

Refunds will not be issued for no shows, late arrivals, or early departures.

Registration Information

General early bird


General early bird effective through Mar 22, 2025. Price increases afterwards. Register Today!

Student early bird


Student early bird effective through Mar 22, 2025. Price increases afterwards. Register Today!
Valid student ID required

FACL accepts MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express

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